The masterplan picks up on the original perimeter block development and gives the area a striking orientation with individual plot facades, a new network of paths and the covered piazza on the main axis opposite the venerable Palais des Bundesrats. The subsequent planning in collaboration with Pechtold Architekten is based on this concept and once again creates the density and diversity so typical of the metropolis of Berlin.

In terms of urban planning and economy, the shopping centre creates the necessary structural link between the shopping and entertainment district to the west of Potsdamer Platz and Friedrichstrasse, which is populated with retail outlets. The hotel use in the western gatehouse to the piazza and a high residential component characterise the building complex and ensure that the functions are revitalised and enrich each other. They are located above the commercial areas from the third floor upwards.

The main axis between Leipziger Strasse and Vossstrasse, with the cour d'honneur of the Bundesrat as a focal point to the south, offers a lively street atmosphere and recalls the former Wertheim atrium with two galleries and a mezzanine floor in a bright, urban ambience under a barrel-shaped glass roof.

The façades facing Leipziger Strasse, Wilhelmstrasse and Vossstrasse, as well as the design of the piazza, incorporate elements of the former Wertheim building and interpret them in a contemporary manner. Light-coloured natural stone forms the street façades.

The interior of the mall is characterised by a clear spatial structure and high-quality materials.