The shared grey clinker-brick façade gives the new buildings the appearance of a coherent unit. The project was realised together with HuelsmannThiemeMinor. Architektenpartnerschaft mbB, Kleve (service stages 6-8) as partner office.

The building’s first volume is a hall for fire engines; this has a floor area of approximately 320 sqm and a height of 5.75 m. Abutting it at right angles is the main fire brigade building, which contains social areas with changing rooms and a training room. A workshop and additional storage rooms complete the spatial programme.

For the façade, standard-format aquaterra Salinagrau (grey) clinker bricks were chosen. The building’s main openings - the fire-engine gates, the main entrance and training room, and the alarm entrance – are framed with red clinker and have a metallic red core.