The BZ residential block, in cooperation with Bonnani Architekten, together with the BY office building, encloses a landscaped inner courtyard with private front garden areas. The block has six full storeys and a staggered storey with 73 residential units, two- to four-room flats with a clear room height of approx. 2.70 m and a total living space of around 6,500 sqm.

The façade design was developed separately by four façade architects in order to achieve the greatest possible design variety on the entire area. TCHOBAN VOSS Architekten were responsible for Block BY and BZ. The facades (BZ) were executed with a thermal insulation composite system with a fine-grained plaster layer and different colouring to delimit the individual units within the block.

In comparison to the elaborately designed façade surfaces oriented towards the street and the city garden, the courtyard oriented façades are more restrained. There is also a gradation in the external façades of building block B: the office façade (BY) towards Boxhagener Strasse is expressive and striking, the colour-accentuated façades of the adjoining residential block BZ appear as background architecture in the structure.